Đọc thêm Người_Hamar

  • Lydall, Jean, and Ivo Strecker (1979). The Hamar of Southern Ethiopia. In three volumes: v. 1.: Work journal; v. 2: Baldambe explains; v. 3: Conversations in Dambaiti. Arbeiten aus dem Institut fur Volkerkunde der Universitat zu Göttingen, Bd. 12-14. Hohenschaftlarn: Klaus Renner Verlag. ISBN 3-87673-063-5 (v. 1); ISBN 3-87673-064-3 (v. 2); ISBN 3-87673-065-1 (v. 3).
  • Giansanti, Gianni (2004). Vanishing Africa. Text and photographs by Gianni Giansanti; ethnographic introductions by Paolo Novaresio. Translated from Italian. With audio CD. Vercelli, Italy: White Star. ISBN 88-544-0006-8.
  • Strecker, Ivo A. (1988). The Social Practice of Symbolization: An Anthropological Analysis. Monographs on Social Anthropology, no. 60. London; Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Athlone Press. ISBN 0-485-19557-7.

Tài liệu tham khảo

WikiPedia: Người_Hamar http://ffh.films.com/id/1572/The_Hamar_and_Karo_Tr... http://www.uni-mainz.de/Organisationen/SORC/filead... http://www.csa.gov.et/pdf/Cen2007_firstdraft.pdf http://www.africanholocaust.net/peopleofafrica.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/tribe/tribes/hamar/index.shtm... http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/559757/Hamer-t... http://www.photo.buet.us/galerie.php?galerie=ET_Om... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X1__14KGso https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct-BDbfxLJE https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb144092035